I bought the 30 day cleanse which includes:
- Welcome Guide with tracking system
- 2 Cleanse for Life: a nutritional drink that helps the body breakdown and release harmful substances and at the same time feeds the body with over 100 nutrients. (choice of liquid or powder)
- 4 Isalean Shakes (Choice of Vanilla or chocolate) I chose 2 of each and both taste amazing! - 23g of whey protein
- 1 Natural Accelerator - helps facilitate cleansing process, increases fat-burning and energy
- Isagenics Snacks- helps curb cravinfs - choclate or vanilla flavored
- 1 Isaflush-Gentle digestive support
- 2 Ionix Supreme- Over 100 active ingredients, aids body
- 1 Green tea milk chocolate snacks- amazing!
I woke up and drank 2 glasses of water, followed by 6 oz. of water with 1 scoop of Ionix supreme. Made my Vanilla flavored shake for the road and drank it at around 9:00 a.m.
11:00 a.m. - Snack

1:00 p.m. - Tofu Salad
3:00 p.m. - Second Snack
6:00 p.m. - Last shake of the day (chocolate flavored)
10:00 p.m. - Isaflush! (take it on empty tummy for the evening)
First day was a huge success, no hunger!
Day 2
Tuesday was a bit rough, I forgot my snacks at home and was STARVING at work even though i had a wrap for lunch. I got home and was all bent out of shape because i didnt follow the program correctly. I was starving and couldnt catch the momentum again. Went to bed early because i was miserable.
Day 3 (back on track!)
I decided to stay on a strict schedule and made sure that I ate every 2 hours. Started my day with water and and Ionix Supreme drink and my shake. For lunch I had a chicken wrap with lettuce, tomato and mozarella cheese. Since lunch is the only meal that you are allowed to have, make sure that it is of substance but that it also contains essential nutrients for your bod. I felt great, went home and did a Pilates class and went to bed.
Just for kicks, I decided to measure myself and I am so proud to say that I have lost a couple of inches all over my body in just 3 days! Also, I have lost almost 6 lbs!!!

Oh and by the way, I bought this blender at GNC for like $18 on sale a couple of months ago. A popular one is the Magic Bullet which can be bought in Target or Bed Bath & Beyond for like $45. (GNC brand one works just as good)
Hope you guys enjoyed this post, I will do a follow up with weight and inches lost.
If you are interested in more info, go to www.stefyleon.isagenix.com or send me a message. Good luck girls, summer is right around the corner!
Big Hug!!
Cool, I hope it works for you! I really like your blog, it would be nice if you could stop by my blog sometime too :) :)
You are more disciplined than me! I work out a lot, and eat throughout the day in small meals. I'm intrigued, though. Congrats on your success!