What a year we had, huh? I am the FIRST to say that I am glad it's over and we can begin our journeys on a clean slate so to speak.
I keep hearing "New Year, New Me" coming from all ways and then I realized, I don't want a new me. I just want the best version of me.
As I lay in bed on Tuesday, January 1, 2013 i started to think about what I REALLY wanted to work on this year and I came up with the following:
13 Resolutions for 2013
- Lose weight (duh) What person can't afford to shed some lb's? The difference this year is that I have a plan: I have set deadlines for when I should hit certain numbers.
- Save, save, save! Another obvious one I know but just as I did with the the weight loss I have done with my money. I have devised a plan in which each month I am forced to put aside x amount of money to reach my quarterly goal. A great tool that I have discovered online is Mint.com. This site helps you handle your finances and spending while setting goals and helping you achieve them.
- I am planning on buying my first home this summer. *fingers crossed*
- No more drinking! Not that I was ever a heavy drinker passed out at the local bar or anything but I don't like drinking at all! Therefore I say, no to drinking (except wine at dinner ;))
- Limit the sweets! Oh, my poor sweet tooth. this needs to stop once and for all. I can eat healthy and say no to pizza or greasy fries but a toffee almond mil chocolate bar... MMMMmmm... but NO MORE!
- Go to the gym ATLEAST 4 times a week.
- I want to take my GRE/GMAT and apply to graduate school (hoping to start my graduate degree in September!)
- I want to start writing more. Write atleast once a day, even if its a love story on a napkin. When I was younger I used to write books and I mean when I was 6. As I grew up writing became more and more of a "work thing' but not anymore!
- Start my career - now that I am out of school I am eager to begin my career in marketing.
- Learn French! I took 3 years of french in high school and never fully grasped the language. This year, je vais parler français!
- This one comes from my boyfriend: Be more considerate of others' opinions. Hmm, interesting to see what others think of you. Well, I am considering his opinion and totally willing to work on this!
- Spend less on material things and more on experiences.
- The most important on the list: Live everyday to the fullest.
Here's to a great year and may all of your wishes come true!

Follow me: @stefyyleon
Instagram: stefyyleon
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